No matter if you are looking for a pet and family member, establishing or expanding on your breeding lines, or a dog for competition and shows, I litter will satisfy all the requirements. Mother is Jelly Belly vom Hause Demo, astonishing female that is a great mother with stable and calm temperament. We already had a successful litter of her in 2022 (check out our G litter), and we are more than proud to have her puppies again. Father is Romb Lardowik - a male trained and formed for competitions, with great anatomy, great movement, and in top form. This litter is a combination of two very different lines of rottweilers and represents a combination of friendly temperament and working attitude. One female from this litter stays with us, one male has been picked up by the owner of Romb Lardowik as a compensation for mating with a plan of creating another champion next to Romb.